Facilitating Intelligent Conversations About Artificial Intelligence

  • Published
  • By Linda Kane, SSC Public Affairs
While the merits of artificial intelligence may be debated in some arenas, such as education and entertainment, U.S. Space Force (USSF) leaders underscored its current and future value in military space operations at a two-day forum co-hosted by U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM) and Space Systems Command (SSC).

“Clearly, artificial intelligence and machine learning can, should, and will play a powerful role in the coming years, including in our efforts to counter emerging threats and preserve the safety and security of our Nation, its assets, and our allies,” said USSF Gen. Michael Guetlein, Vice Chief of Space Operations in opening remarks.

Facilitated by SSC’s Commercial Space Office and Front Door, the event was held June 25 - 26 in North Carolina’s Research Triangle to bring military, government civilian, and industry professionals together in a forward-facing discussion of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can further an emerging discipline known as Cognitive Space Operations, aka COGSPO.

“Make no mistake about it, incorporating AI and ML into our space operations can and will be a game-changer,” said Guetlein. “It will enable us to anticipate and respond to emerging threats with unprecedented speed and precision.”

In November, the Department of Defense (DoD) cemented its commitment to AI/ML with publication of the 2023 Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy.  Among its strategies, industry collaboration plays a key role.

“As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in space, it is imperative that we invest in and embrace AI and ML, and we need industry to lead the way and provide us with capability and with cutting-edge innovation,” said Guetlein.

Facilitating dialogue between government and industry is the primary function of SSC’s Front Door, a single resource hub where companies can learn how to do business with government and align their technologies to the needs of the Space Force. In addition to managing a web portal to field industry inquiries, Front Door facilitates Industry Days (and Reverse Industry Days). Each event is an opportunity for industry to network with government representatives, learn about their mission areas, and share potentially promising capabilities. Front Door can also align companies with investment opportunities to entities such as SpaceWERX and the Defense Innovation Unit. 

According to Jen Ross of SSC’s Commercial Space Office, the COGSPO event was the first time that SSC facilitated a Reverse Industry Day co-hosted with USSPACECOM. “Perhaps no other emerging technology impacts the entire space enterprise mission set in the way that AI/ML does,” Ross said. “Having USSPACECOM involved in crafting the agenda and participating in the dialogue provided participants with valuable warfighter perspectives across the full range of military services and capabilities.”

On the industry side, the COGSPO forum attracted a cross section of AI/ML industry players, from early-stage start-ups to well-established enterprises such as SAS, which provided conference space for the event. Presentations, panel discussions, and informal networking provided opportunities to address government questions such as:
  • How can we use AI to optimize our ability to exploit the vast volumes of data coming from our satellites and to improve missions like missile warning and missile tracking?
  • How can AI help us streamline operations and reduce our most labor-intensive efforts?
  • How can we use AI to improve anomaly detection, prediction, and recovery of our systems?
  • How can AI enable Satellite Protect and Defend Missions?
Across applications and capabilities, speed is a foundational benefit driving the adoption of both Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Faster data analysis enables faster decision making, which in turn, provides our Nation and our allies with what the DoD calls an “enduring decision advantage.”

“These technologies can process vast amounts of data at a pace far beyond human capability, providing us with actionable insights that are crucial for decision-making in dynamic and high-stakes scenarios,” said Guetlein.

Several AI/ML-enabled projects already underway at SSC include the development of AI and ML solutions for dim-target tracking. Machine learning is also helping to analyze satellites for signs of camouflage, concealment, and deception on-orbit, as well as to identify anomalous objects which may pose a threat. Additional areas of interest include the use of machine learning algorithms to do predictive analytics, natural language processing for improved communications, and computer vision for better surveillance and reconnaissance.

Calling industry “our Nation’s competitive advantage,” Guetlein pointed out that it is also incumbent on the military in general, and Space Force in particular, to “invest heavily in training and education so our personnel have the skills necessary to use AI tools and to understand the implications of their use.”

Together, he said, we will win.